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AI and Medical Writing: How to Achieve the Right Balance

Written by Alphanumeric | Jun 21, 2024 3:22:44 PM

Life science research generates a mountain of new information that medical writers must navigate. Traditionally, this process has been time-consuming and meticulous, but recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence (AI) promise to revolutionize medical writing. Yet while AI offers exciting opportunities for efficiency and enhanced research, its integration presents a unique set of challenges that demand careful consideration.

AI challenges in medical writing

Every AI application used in life sciences falls under an ethical microscope. AI tools for medical writing are no different. While it’s easy to focus on the advantages, a balanced approach begins by recognizing the possible pitfalls and challenges associated with AI. These challenges can be broadly categorized into four areas:

  • Accuracy and reliability: AI systems are based on the data with which they’re trained. Verifying these data are accurate and current is critical. Misinterpretation of medical data can result in serious consequences such as misleading healthcare professionals, which impacts patient care. Thorough human reviews and editing of AI-generated content remain necessary for quality and accuracy. Maintaining a consistent voice and style in medical writing can also be difficult with AI-generated text. Remember, AI is a tool, not a replacement for human expertise and judgment.
  • Ethical and legal concerns: AI tools may not adequately consider regulations pharma companies need to abide by. Specifically, medical content should avoid making commercial claims, overstating study results, or not providing a fair balance between efficacy and safety.
  • Nuanced understanding: AI tools can struggle to understand the context and nuances of medical research, leading to inappropriate or incorrect content. For example, AI might not grasp the difference between a recommended treatment and an experimental one. Medical terminology and jargon can also be complex. AI may not accurately capture or convey this complexity, causing misunderstandings.
  • Integration with existing workflows: Incompatible systems can create bottlenecks and hinder productivity. For maximum efficiency, AI platforms must integrate seamlessly with existing medical writing workflows and tools. Successful integration of AI requires time and effort to train medical writers and other staff to use these new tools effectively.


Opportunities for AI in medical writing

Although the challenges of using AI in medical writing are significant, the potential benefits present compelling opportunities. These benefits include:

  • Efficiency and productivity: AI’s ability to rapidly generate drafts and content can speed up the writing process. AI also excels at automating repetitive tasks like data entry and literature search. This capability allows medical writers to dedicate their expertise to higher-level activities that require human judgment and creativity.
  • Enhanced research capabilities: AI can analyze vast amounts of medical data and literature quickly, providing valuable insights and supporting evidence for medical content. AI can also continuously scan and incorporate the latest research and medical guidelines into content to ensure it is current.
  • Personalization and accessibility: By helping create personalized content for specific audiences, AI can improve patient engagement and education. AI-powered translation tools can even make medical content accessible to non-English-speaking audiences, broadening its reach to promote research and action across language barriers.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Automating parts of the content creation process can reduce the costs associated with hiring additional medical writers and researchers. Automation is particularly beneficial for organizations with limited resources. The time efficiencies also indirectly provide cost efficiencies by increasing productivity.

Balancing AI’s challenges and benefits

While the integration of AI into medical writing presents many challenges in terms of accuracy, ethics, and integration, the advantages are undeniable. AI offers the ability to increase productivity, enhance capabilities and efficiencies, and personalize content for diverse audiences.

The key to effectively using AI tools in medical writing lies in striking a balance: leveraging the power of AI while maintaining the irreplaceable role of human expertise and judgment. Medical writing needs the human element. AI can make this element more meaningful everywhere it’s applied.

To learn more about successfully incorporating AI into medical writing, visit