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Customer Support in the Age of Digital Innovation: The Life Science Call Center Evolution | Alphanumeric Systems

Written by Alphanumeric | Apr 2, 2024 2:49:59 PM

The life sciences industry is witnessing a revolution in customer support. Answering the phone is no longer just about resolving inquiries but providing a multifaceted experience that promotes loyalty and trust. This evolution is reshaping the way companies interact with customers, facilitating a more dynamic and data-driven approach. Several key pillars are essential in developing this reimagined call center.

AI, data, and omnichannel support

Life science companies are deploying a diverse digital arsenal to enhance their support capabilities. AI-powered chatbots provide 24/7 access to basic information and troubleshooting, while virtual assistants offer personalized guidance to patients navigating new treatments. Self-service portals empower customers to access product information, FAQs, and support tickets at their convenience.

But simply offering multiple channels isn’t enough. Companies must create a seamless omnichannel experience by ensuring consistent messaging, efficient handoffs between channels, and real-time data integration across platforms. This enables customers to switch between channels effortlessly while receiving uninterrupted support.

The lifeblood of modern customer support is data. By leveraging analytics tools, life science companies can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This data fuels personalization efforts, allowing for targeted information delivery and proactive problem-solving. For instance, call transcripts can reveal areas where information gaps exist, prompting the creation of tailored content for self-service portals.

Personalized experiences and upskilled agents

While digital tools are transforming the way we interact, the human touch remains irreplaceable. The role of call center agents is evolving toward specialized support, emotional guidance, and complex problem-solving. To remain effective, life science companies must invest in training and upskilling their agents. This includes providing in-depth product knowledge, communication skills training, and familiarization with new technologies that augment their capabilities.

Personalization is key to customer satisfaction in today’s data-driven world. Life science companies can leverage data to tailor support experiences based on individual needs and past interactions. For instance, a patient with a specific medical condition might receive targeted information resources from a chatbot, while a healthcare provider may be directed to a dedicated support line for in-depth product inquiries.

Technology empowers human agents to meet people where they are. When an agent interacts directly with a person in real time, they have access to a full breadth of information, technologies, and resources to provide a personalized solution — one that raises the bar for customer experience.

Measuring efficacy through compliance

Life science companies face unique regulatory requirements in their customer support operations. Data privacy, accurate information dissemination, and adherence to industry guidelines are nonnegotiable. Companies must ensure their digital tools and support processes comply with all relevant regulations while still delivering efficient and effective services.

Creating a positive customer experience is critical for fostering loyalty and satisfaction. By implementing comprehensive customer experience management (CEM) strategies, you can measure and optimize support across all touchpoints. These strategies involve gathering feedback through surveys, analyzing call recordings, and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as resolution rates and first-contact resolution. This data allows improvement across the board.

Case studies and best practices

Digital innovation in life science call centers can enable companies to achieve incredible results. For example, when one of the world’s leading pharma and healthcare companies implemented a multilingual clinical application service desk, it led to customer service improvements with no downtime, minimal call wait times, and more than 60% first-time call resolution. The solution also garnered a positive customer satisfaction rating from more than 90% of respondents.

Another life science organization needed a solution capable of granting patients access to fully compliant, structured information 24/7. An omnichannel, AI-enhanced solution including natural language processing was designed to ensure accessibility in 38 languages — all while remaining compliant with global regulatory standards. The result was a personalized, empowering customer experience.

A future-proof support ecosystem

The life science call center is no longer just a place to answer phones. By embracing digital innovation, companies can create a future-proof customer support infrastructure that delivers exceptional experiences, fosters trust, and enables patients and healthcare providers alike. Ongoing investments in digital tools, data-driven insights, and a skilled workforce will be essential in achieving a customer-centric support ecosystem that thrives in the digital age.

Learn more about transforming your call center operations at